Performance Evaluation of the microPET Focus: A Third-Generation microPET Scanner Dedicated to Animal Imaging
Yuan-Chuan Tai, PhD1; J Nucl Med 2005; 46:455� 463
MicroPET P4和R4是 Concorde 公司基于UCLA的prototype microPET生产的两个型号的microPET. P4给non-human primates, R4用来给rodents.
R4使用LSO和PS-PMT技术。LSO的优点是:high stopping power, high light output and fast decay time
The detector for this system is formed from a block of LSO (19x19x10 mm3) cut 14 times to divide the block into an 8x8 crystal array with 9-mm depth cuts, such that the block is still heldtogether by a 1-mm-thick LSO layer at the bottom.
The R4 uses a 10mm-multi-clad optic bundle to couple the entire detector block to a Hamamatsu R5900-C8 PS-PMT.
In the microPET R4 model there are a total of 96 block detectors, 32 full crystal rings with 192crystals in each ring.
The Focus inherits the fundamental design and geometry of its predecessor, P4 (Primate model), with particular efforts devoted to the redesign of detector modules and pulse processing electronics. The system consists of 168 lutetium oxyorthosilicate (LSO) detectors arranged in 4 contiguous rings with a ring diameter of 25.8 cm and an axial extent of 7.6 cm. Each detector consists of a 12x12 array of LSO crystal elements coupled to a position-sensitive photomultiplier tube via an optical fiber bundle. Each LSO crystal
measures 1.51x1.51x10.00 mm3. Thin reflective material envelops the LSO crystals on all, but one, sides to improve the light collection efficiency and to provide better optical isolation between adjacent elements. The crystal pitch is 1.59 mm in both axial and transverse directions, resulting in a packing fraction of over 91% for a detector block.
The fiber optic bundle consists of 8x8 elements of square, multiclad plastic fibers each measuring 2.2x 2.2x 100.0 mm3. The same reflective material is also placed between individual fibers to provide optical isolation and to improve light collection efficiency. The use of optical fibers of cross-section greater than that of the LSO elements improves the light collection efficiency. These design changes were critical for good energy resolution as the LSO crystals have a relatively small cross-section that limits the light collection efficiency (18,19). The position-sensitive photomultiplier tube continues to be the Hamamatsu R5900-C12. A simple resistor network was used to convert the 12 anode outputs to 4 position-encoded signals (20). These 4 signals are fed into the pulse processing circuits and subsequently sent to the coincidence processor for coincidence determination. To improve the linearity of the analog-to-digital converters, each event is digitized twice and averaged for event positioning and energy determination. The new electronics doubles
the data transfer speed and effectively doubles the counting capability of the system under high counting rate situations.
The system acquires data in list mode to permit maximum flexibility in the postprocessing and reconstruction. Coincidence events can be sorted into 3-dimensional (3D) sinograms with different combinations of span and ring differences (21) or directly into 2-dimensional (2D) sinograms by single-slice rebinning (SSRB) (22). Images can be reconstructed using filtered backprojection (FBP) or ordered-subsets expectation maximization (23) (OSEM) algorithms.
The system was set to acquire data in singles mode with its energy window wide open (153� 814 keV). A 68Ge point source was placed at the center of the field of view (CFOV) to acquire a 2D position histogram of each detector. Lookup tables that map locations in the flood images into crystal identifications in LSO arrays were created using system software. The same 68Ge source was used to acquire 500 million events (