Monday, June 25, 2007

Paul Vaska 《Physics & Instrumentation》

Physics & Instrumentation in Positron Emission Tomography

Paul Vaska, Ph.D.

Center for Translational Neuroscience
Brookhaven National Laboratory

July 21, 2006

Important Detector Properties
New Developments

Brain Imaging of Drug Effects

Brain Imaging of Drug Effects

Electroencephalography (EEG)
Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)




Thursday, June 14, 2007



Sunday, June 10, 2007

Positron Emission Tomography (PET)

Overview of Methodology

production of positron emitting isotope in a cyclotron
chemistry of labeling compound with positron emitter and preparing compound in a form suitable for administration in humans
transport of labeled compound from chemistry group to camera group
administration (injection) of tracer compound & data acquisition with PET camera
processing of data from PET camera to extract information related to the tracer's kinetics in the body
interpretation of result

Case Study 2

A 64 year-old male who was found to have serum CEA elevation for 16 months after resection of colon carcinoma.
Original Diagnosis
Endoscopy with biopsy demonstrated recurrence at the site of anastamosis at the hepatic flexure. CT of the abdomen and pelvis showed no abnormality.
PET Findings
Preoperative PET scan showed a new abnormal focus in the mediastinum and two on the lumbar spine (left image), and a focus in left lobe of the liver and two in the left chest wall (right image).
Change in Treatment
The findings indicate local recurrence and metastatic disease to the liver, mediastinum, and skeleton. This patient will have to be placed in chemotherapy in addition to any surgery planned.



New Trends in PET Instrumentation

William W. Moses
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
September 18, 2006


PET Instrumentation Has Improved Dramatically:
Routine Clinical Use w/ Merged X-Ray CT Image
Small Animal

Current Trends:
Multi-Modality (MRI, Ultrasound, Optical)
Special Purpose (Disease-Specific) Cameras

Future Improvements Require:
New Scintillators, Photodetectors, & Electronics
New Detector & Camera Designs
New Reconstruction, Data Analysis, & Chemistry

An Austrian Framework for PET Quality Control


NEMA hard to strictly implement (required software and hardware features not accessible for end users)

Lack of information and clear recommendations from manufacturers

Useful for routine QC, intercomparisons, and optimisation (e.g. differences in image quality clearly seen in body phantom)

